no one likes laundry

This is a total random post. I have been wanting to continue on with the blog just for the sake of writing a little, updating my website, and reminding people that, yes, I do photograph families and weddings. But I overthink little things too much and never know what to do first.

As I was reading my Friday Free Write with the girls (we homeschool and on Fridays we write from a random prompt and then read what we wrote to each other), they giggled and I realized, “hmmm, maybe I should just share this.” So here’s a little story I made up in 5 minutes and an ordinary photo of folding laundry…because I am all about the ordinary everyday and memories.

Friday Free Write prompt: It’s laundry day and the washer and dryer are arguing about who has the harder job. Write their conversation.

It was an ordinary day in the Moore house. And ordinary days meant at least one load of laundry. One load of the Mrs’ clothes, a load of the Mr’s work clothes, or a load mixed with all the kids’ clothes.

“Ah, man! I hate getting wet!” complained the washer. “Every single day!”

“Oh, what are you complaining about?” asked the dryer. “Every day I am loaded up with heavy wet clothes from you and heated up so that these people don’t have to hang them up on a line to dry. What I’d give to do your job and be refreshed with cool water.”

“Oh, poor little dryer!” retorted the washer. “How do you think it feels to have to spin all that water out of the clothes? Around and around and around! I am so dizzy afterwards with a headache I wish they’d give me a Tylenol!”

“Well, I am sorry about the headache, but I also spin and spin constantly, around and around, only under constant heat and guess what?”

“What?” replied the washer with an eye roll.

“Afterwards, my mouth gets filled with fluffy lint…and sometimes those kids forget to empty me and I have to work, all hot and spinning with a mouthful of lint. I mean, I could really use some refreshing water after a load like that!”

“Yes, a mouthful of lint sounds disgusting! But you do have the pleasure of working with CLEAN clothes (thanks to me)! I have to wash out all that dirt and gunk! That yuck floats around my mouth. It’s like rinsing out your mouth with dirty mouthwash!”

“What are you both complaining about?” piped the laundry basket. “I sit here full of mismatched socks and shirts no one wears anymore but doesn’t do anything with. I don’t get to move. I feel useless…I mean clothes are overflowing onto the floor, I’m not sure I even have a purpose! What' I’d give to have one of your jobs!”

“I guess we can all agree…” said the washer.

“No one likes doing the laundry!” finished the dryer.