Winter Session

It is winter here in Pennsylvania and I am loving it. It feels like it has been forever since we had snow during the winter (but when I look back through all my yearbooks, I am reminded that it has snowed at least few times each year). I just love looking out my window and seeing the snow on the pine trees and icicles hanging from the roof. But I will also say, I do not want it to be winter forever. I love living in a seasonal climate where the weather changes and with each season comes different opportunities, events and weather.

I capture my family everyday throughout the year and I enjoy looking back through the photo books that I create and relive those past years. I just looked through 2018’s yearbook and, oh, my goodness! Lilly was only in 1st grade and M&M were babies, and…I don’t know, can I go back? I know, I know, I can’t. But I am so thankful for the gift of photographs and the memories they keep.

For the past 2-3 years, I have had this desire to provide a taste of what I create for my family to all the families I photograph. But how? Seasonal sessions. Each season, I meet up with your family to capture memories and photographs that document that season and time in your life. At the end of the year, a beautiful album will tie up all those everyday moments in a priceless little bow.

A couple weeks ago, I shot my first “winter session” for a family. On the day of their session, forever friends from out of town were visiting, so everyone was there for some winter fun. The mom later told me that her oldest son was slightly, “ugh, I don’t want to have to stand around and take pictures.” She responded, “You won’t. Stacy is just coming and going to take pictures while you have fun.” And that is what I did. I mean, toward the end, I did ask everyone to line up and take a group picture, but that only required him standing around for a minute or two!

The goal of these seasonal sessions is to provide a memory of what life is like for your family. No need for “what are we all going to wear to match” or “we need to be doing something spectacular to remember.” I mean, I am 100% cool with going on awesome adventures or to pretty places with your family, but do not be afraid to do an “everyday” Saturday morning at your house or to those “normal” seasonal “things.” How do your Saturdays change with each season? What normal activities do you do throughout the year? Winter is ice skating, spring is picking flowers at the local greenhouse, summer is spent in the pool, fall is for carving pumpkins and why not wrap it up with decorating your Christmas tree. Whatever you want to remember, I am here for it.

Enjoy the first of the Four Season Sessions of the Ku family. I am looking forward to the fun they will have in Spring!