random happenings of January

January. The month of resolutions and picking “words of the year”. Not going to pretend I didn’t. I am trying to reduce the amount of chocolate in my diet in hopes of reducing the amount of sugar in my diet in the hopes of clearer skin. I just had some brownies and ice cream…so, you all know how that’s going.

But some random things that happened this month:

I cleaned under the girls’ bunk bed and moved their bedroom furniture around. The girls were all so excited…sometimes just moving things creates a happier space. When they showed the “new” bedroom to their father, he was like, “Why did you do that?” My response, “It’s January.”

We took the Christmas decorations off the tree and put heart ornaments on it. It fits snugly between our fireplace and couch and I just love the glow of the lights; I decided we still needed that in our life right now. I also strung homemade heart garland around the living room, kitchen, and dinning room. It almost looks like a classroom decked to the nines for Valentine’s Day, but my mom said it wasn’t too tacky and I am going to believe her.

At the end of December, during an End of the Year sale, I bought myself a fun little lens and it arrived in the middle of January. I have loved using it and Lilly likes to fool around with it too. For the past four years, I have mostly shot with the same lens, so it has been a fun challenge and a different perspective to play with. Currently I am shooting at least an image a day with it…there will probably be a little post in the future about it :)

We started reading “Farmer Boy” by Laura Ingalls Wilder. It is about Almanzo, Laura’s husband, when he was a boy. Being a house of girls, we are enjoying the action and mischievousness of a boy growing up “back in the day.” Last year, we read most of “Little House in the Big Woods.” The girls seem to be more amused with a boy’s life in the 1800’s than with Laura and Mary’s.

There are some other random things we did this January, like visiting a skateboard park without a skateboard, going to the dentist, and sled riding (and when there isn’t snow…going down the hill in a wagon. They all survived but I kinda told them that wasn’t something they should keep on doing.). Here’s to another month of days that feel the same and the random happenings that make them different.